Anxiety, worry and restlessness has become a part of our daily lives, especially for Highly Sensitive People who are more prone to feeling overstimulated. Making a few lifestyle changes and mindfully practicing self-care can help us feel less anxious and enjoy the benefits of being a Highly Sensitive Person.
Due to our natural characteristics of empathy, perception, and capacity to feel deeply, Highly Sensitive People are at an advantage to thrive during the coronavirus pandemic while also helping others. Although this is an uncertain time, it is also a great opportunity to give ourselves permission to rest and unhook from the pressure to constantly be productive or social.
Anyone who is Highly Sensitive may be having a different experience of daylight savings time since any type of change can be a difficult adjustment and we are more prone to getting overstimulated when fatigued.
Do you often dread going home for the holidays or visiting with friends and family because it leaves you feeling exhausted and depleted? While the busyness and high expectations of the holiday season have the potential to be stressful for everyone, Introverts and Highly Sensitive People are especially vulnerable to becoming overwhelmed during this time of year.
Being Highly Sensitive has helped me understand my life-long health journey with eczema, the importance of self-acceptance in the healing process, and how to create an authentic life on my own terms without guilt.
Finding a therapist for your Highly Sensitive Child or Teen can feel overwhelming. In this episode of The Science of Sensitivity podcast I demystify the process and talk about:
➤ When to seek therapy
➤ How to find the right clinician for your family
➤ How to talk to your child about starting therapy
➤ What to expect from the process from start to finish
➤ Validating your child’s anxiety or fears
➤ The importance of working with an HSP-knowledgeable therapist
Starting a new school year can be worrisome and anxiety provoking for Highly Sensitive Children and Teens. Learn how you can help your child or teen ease back into the school year without feeling so overwhelmed.
Social Media can cause us to feel more overstimulated and overwhelmed, as Highly Sensitive People, instead of creating the relaxing escape we’re so desperately searching for. Is your social media use operating as a support or adding to your level of overstimulation?
Quiet downtime is essential for all Highly Sensitive People because without it, we end up feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious or irritable. We can find the balance between productivity and rest by letting go of our perfectionist habits, creating a consistent routine of prioritizing our needs and softening our inner critic.
Many Highly Sensitive People struggle with anxiety which can be managed with lifestyle changes such as practicing mindfulness and incorporating more downtime.
Are you worried that your teen seems more anxious or withdrawn compared to their peers? Many Highly Sensitive teens struggle with feeling overwhelmed, but can easily thrive with a few lifestyle adjustments.
Throughout our lives many of us have been told that Sensitivity is a weakness or we have been labeled as fragile, anxious, shy or too emotional as a result of feeling deeply. The truth is being Highly Sensitive is a Strength with many advantages!
Working with the Highly Sensitive Client: A Guide for Psychotherapists
As Highly Sensitive People, we tend to have high expectations for life’s big moments and feel easily moved. Managing and processing our deeply felt responses to these events can be overwhelming and challenging. Below are tips to help navigate the process while being gentle with ourselves.
Have you ever been on a first date or in an interview when you got so nervous you couldn’t think clearly and stumbled over your words? It can be pretty frustrating and possibly embarrassing. You aren’t alone. Most Introverts and Highly Sensitive People are easily overstimulated so we tend to struggle more in high pressure situations or any time we need to “perform” in front of others. Unfortunately, when this happens we have even more difficulty expressing ourselves and can become completely overwhelmed.
Does flying leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed? The crowds, noise, cramped spaces and pressured timelines can make it feel like too much to handle. Airports are very overstimulating and chaotic in general, but even more difficult for the Highly Sensitive or Introverted traveler who is hyper-aware to their surroundings and more attuned to sensory input.
I know what you’re thinking - vacations are exhausting and often leave us needing a vacation after our vacation! Instead of needing to go on elaborate international trips or attend frequent weekend gatherings, how about taking advantage of the summer months to get more downtime and vacation on your own terms?
Imagine a familiar scene - your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze button repeatedly and stay in bed until the last possible second only to frantically rush through your morning routine in an effort to get to work on time. By the time you leave the house, you are already in stress mode and it is only 9am!
Have you recently discovered or suspect that you are a Highly Sensitive Person, but struggle to accept that your sensitivity is a permanent part of you?