All tagged anxiety

8 Benefits of Social Media Boundaries for the Highly Sensitive Person

There is such a love-hate relationship with social media and our devices. You’re fully aware of why too much scrolling and screen time is harmful, but it’s also very alluring. The downside is being so plugged in that you lose connection with yourself, your emotions, and your needs. For the Highly Sensitive Person, screens are also very overstimulating to your nervous system. In this article, I explore my takeaways from taking a complete social media break for seven days.

The Young Introvert’s Social Survival Guide

Being an introvert can make it difficult to find friends who get you, feel confident at parties, or speak up at school. There’s just so much noise and not enough time to think things through, which leaves you feeling left out and misunderstood. Let’s explore some ways you can socialize on your own terms.

9 Ways Introverts Can Embrace High Pressure Situations

Have you ever been on a first date or in an interview when you got so nervous you couldn’t think clearly and stumbled over your words?  It can be pretty frustrating and possibly embarrassing.  You aren’t alone.  Most Introverts and Highly Sensitive People are easily overstimulated so we tend to struggle more in high pressure situations or any time we need to “perform” in front of others.  Unfortunately, when this happens we have even more difficulty expressing ourselves and can become completely overwhelmed.