All in work

What Job is Best for a Highly Sensitive Person?

Sensitive folks are constantly seeking a way to make work more manageable and meaningful without all the overwhelm and burnout that is common for HSPs. Work tends to be something to survive, instead of enjoy. Choosing a career is subjective, so it really depends on who you work with, the values of the company, the environment, how meaningful and interesting the work is to you, and your ability to maintain a work-life balance.

9 Ways Introverts Can Embrace High Pressure Situations

Have you ever been on a first date or in an interview when you got so nervous you couldn’t think clearly and stumbled over your words?  It can be pretty frustrating and possibly embarrassing.  You aren’t alone.  Most Introverts and Highly Sensitive People are easily overstimulated so we tend to struggle more in high pressure situations or any time we need to “perform” in front of others.  Unfortunately, when this happens we have even more difficulty expressing ourselves and can become completely overwhelmed.