All tagged self-acceptance

5 Self-Care Practices for the Highly Sensitive Person

How often do you truly feel energized and fulfilled? If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP), you’re more likely to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted most of the time. Most HSPs don’t get the self-care and quiet downtime they need to survive, let alone thrive. Instead, they believe the messages from society, the media, or their own social circles that it’s selfish or shows a lack of ambition to take time for themselves, and they feel guilty whenever they do.

You use a lot of emotional and physical energy that needs to be replenished every day. Self-care is more about getting quiet on a daily basis and deeply nurturing your emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical needs.

Why Highly Sensitive People Should Skip the New Year’s Resolutions

As another year begins, we get flooded with messages about setting resolutions and making grand changes in our lives. Starting this year on our own terms means honoring our needs as Highly Sensitive People to make changes more slowly and focusing on self-reflection over resolutions.  This approach frees us from the shame of incomplete resolutions and allows us to reconnect with what’s most important in our lives.